Jun 30, 2009

Some nice Pics...

Ok.. I got to admit... it is not that simple :) i'm still trying and seem like alot of pic to filter before can present to you all here :)

Ok ok.... here are some of the nice pic... I'm still not pro yet.. but give me some time :) i'll be there :)

the above 2 pics were taken infront of Kuan Yim Temple in penang...
This was taken in the temple.... we were there for photo shoots as collection of the profile photos for church events :)

This was taken from my room window :)

Jun 28, 2009

Its a.....

Week 20.. we had our monthly checkup for our baby... and this round the Dr had said in our last visit that this time will be a detail scan... the Dr actually told us to go in early...normal time around 4pm but this sunday we visited Dr at 12noon... (i wonder if the Dr need to eat lunch or not :) )

Anyway... ok... because of the nature of being a parent ( or a father) we did bring along our videocamera... to record down the baby movement... previously we did have a few video clip on the baby heart beat as well as some regular scan picture...

So when we arrive in the dr's clinic... first thing we did was going through Chaing Mei's last blood test result.. everything seem normal.. :) Praise God for that.... next is the time for viewing the baby :)

So after chiang mei prepared, the dr start his job :) first thing he check... eh.. ur baby actually facing down.... then... the Dr said... It is a Boy.. confirmed.... (the reason dr said "confirmed" because last check up the baby actually have alot of movement.. and we did saw the "critical part" but not really sure, Dr also said a boy at that time :P so now confirmed )

then the Dr go check on the baby brain...the heart... as well the kidney... the toes.. and the fingers... the dr actually said our baby close up his face with his hand... so.. can't really see the face... seem like the baby are shy to show us how he looks like :P hahahah

anyway... there was one moment that he did open up... (maybe it is to peep and see if we are still watching him .. :P ) and dr manage to capture that moment to see if the facial bone are properly joint. Everything seem OK :)
Thank God for that as well ! :)

The baby actually 20weeks and 5 days... and he is now ~350grams
So now, we got to start to think of a name for this baby boy :) Any suggestion?
