Sep 2, 2008

The Preparation

Finally.. i got to put down my thoughts...
and mark the calender... i had overcome my "fear" and take a step of faith...
children are the gifts from God...
For preparation... it need to be... mentally..physically..emotionally.. and of course finacially :)

I will be reading books / magazine / blogs / etc... to get the knowledges...
I will be exercising to make sure my body are fit... especially for the baby to come ... the energy needed are extremely ALOT.... especially the sleepless night...
I will be keeping my mind fit for the emotion to be strong... Love cover all!
I will be spiritually prepare for the coming as well:) need to be a leader of the family... and YES family...

So.... to start this... need to setup the timetable for those activities :)
should cut down on TV... increase in exercise.... increase in sleep (to sleep more now) increase in quiet time... :)

All in all... how to be a parent? A simple yet difficult question..... it is for me to find out...
This is the journey that everyone had to go through and experience... this is Life that God had gave us... the routine that we had to go through...

Counting down on the step out of the boat and into the water....


meigirl said...

yahooooooooooooooooo.... now we are prepared for God's calling into a new family - in His divine appointment

Awayofmind Bakery House said...

A good start!!
Don't worry too much, everything is in God's plan. :)
