May 9, 2011

Some fun moments....

Clement had grow up very fast.... he understand alot of our conversation and a little helping hand at home....

It had been quite interesting playing with him recently and he do RUN...and FAST!....

When you ask how to kick football... he will show u how Rooney lift up his leg to intercept the ball...(he saw him on newspaper doing that )

He is still very attached to animals... Love all the animals... he know Cow...Horse...Cat...Dog....Frog...Duck...Chicken....Goat...Sheep...Dolphine...Elephant...Hippo... Crocodile..Wombat..Kangaroo... Eagle..Butterfly...Ladybugs... Girraffe... Panda Bear...Brown Bear.. Whale..Sea Horse...Crab... Tiger... Lion... Pig... Snake... Camel... Monkey... Goose... Raindeer... Deer.... Bird (Pigeon) ...General Fish :) and many many more that i cant recall....

he also getting cheeky... and u can see from the look of his face when he got the cheeky ideas up there....

as he is turning 2... its also another stage of my life to hv new tricks to handle him... :)

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